It’s Just Some Guy, so you know there’s swearing.

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As I went over a couple of years ago, the X-Men are not a very good bigotry analog because outside of the origin of their powers (Stan coming up with a way to be lazy, and just using bigtroy as a storytelling platform for “the world outside your window” rather than social commentary) nothing really separates them from the guys who build their powers in a cave, or came from space, or just had their powers come from space…I mean, a good third of Marvel’s superheroes can thank some form of radiation and they tried to blame that for the “X-Gene” for a while as well, the whole “children of the atom” thing. I also went over more recently why Kamala Khan is a mutant now. I’m also annoyed they killed Jubilee. I like Jubilee but it seems like since the cartoon ended they really did her dirty, like that time she was a vampire after losing her mutant powers.

I was never an X-Men fan, but everything I’ve heard about what Perch calls the “Krakoa Era” from various reviewers kind of makes me glad I’m not.

About ShadowWing Tronix

A would be comic writer looking to organize his living space as well as his thoughts. So I have a blog for each goal. :)

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