So I found out about a new set of minicomics I need to add to the rotation and usually that’s where I start. However, this trip back to Symbion has been delayed often enough I think. For those of you late to the party, Sectaurs: Warriors Of Symbion was a 1980s toyline from Coleco, taking place on the planet Symbion where there are warriors called Sectaurs. The planet faced an apocalypse after scientists in a lab pull a 2020 with a virus that mutates people into bug men and the bugs into their friends and rides (the rides were actually hand puppets in the toyline). The two factions fight for control of The Hive, the last vestigate of technology and other advanced sciences but when they screw up on Symbion, they go all out.

In our last visit we looked at the evil Skulk and his puppet bug ride. This time we’re focused on Pinsor and his Battle Beetle. This was one of the puppets, as you see in the ad above (if it’s still up because YouTube is making me miserable these past few weeks). The idea is that each Sectaur is telepathically bonded to one of the “Insectoid” partners, be they ridable or just hanging out alongside them. With that all explained let’s see what our heroes are up to this time.

“We really need to restore air traffic control. And radios.”

Sadly we don’t get any credits for these stories but you can read along…or try to as the images are rather small and I have to keep importing them into Paint Shop Pro or zoom in with the browser so I can read them, at

The opening bio tells us that Pinsor was a farmer before the invasions by the evil Sectaurs and he signed up to protect the Shining Realm. The story opens with Pinsor telling Dargon…that he was a farmer before the invasions by the evil Sectaurs and he signed up to protect the Shining Realm. That was a waste. They’re at the place where Pinsor used to farm, the “Skall fields” if I’m reading that right. This is where the defenders of the Realm get their weapons because apparently metallurgy was a skill also lost to the plague. The evil Sectaurs also need Skall to make weapons but there’s a reason their half of the planet is called the Dark Domain and plants like sunlight. So they’re coincidentally here to swipe some plants.

Spidrax sees his enemies and decides to attack them while the scheming Skrall stays behind to collect the needed Skall. He uses his sword to “knock out” a farmer while Dargon faces Spidrax in the air and Pinsor fights off all the cannon fodder. I don’t care if Spidrax is the leader, that makes Pinsor the MVP already. Realizing that Pinsor saw him and there are no more minions to toss at him, he and his ride, Trancula, try to set a trap but Pinsor and Battle Beetle see right through it and battle is joined. Skrall (I hope I haven’t accidentally gotten those spellings reversed…Skrall going after Skall) uses his venom to allow himself Trancula with an opening to escape but Pinsor secures the Skall while Dargon was off-panel chasing off Spidrax and totally got those goons Pinsor didn’t get so they’re totally tied, you guys. In fact, Dargon got one more so he wins, honest. The two heros celebrate how their plant-based weapons are so good and the story ends.

This is a pocket-size comic with at most three panels per page for 16 pages. It’s not a lot to summarize, and it’s just one big battle, but an interesting battle. It does the job of showing kids how cool their new toy is, so mission accomplished. A deep story this is not.

So one of three comics should be coming up in the next installment. Either I’ll find scans of the one I just found out about, we’ll watch Peter Parker eat peanut butter, or the Starriors are still running around looking for man. Which will it be? Check in next time and find out.

About ShadowWing Tronix

A would be comic writer looking to organize his living space as well as his thoughts. So I have a blog for each goal. :)

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