One swear in the video.

Catch more from Comic Drake on YouTube

Note that he’s not one of those “right wing” commentators. The only similarity between Drake and Eric July is that they live in Texas and love comics. Unless Drake also has a band and I missed him mentioning it. And yet Comics By Perch (who is politically neutral) and July, a Libertarian, have said the same things on their channels. Perch has suggested using manga as an example as has Just Some Guy (liberal but not far left), while July was calling out comic’s outdated business and distribution model before starting his own company following his own advice, and Rippaverse Comics is off to a good start. I still maintain the “floppy” has its uses (funny thing is that article also includes a Comic Drake video on the subject) but DC and Marvel forgot that because they didn’t understand WHY trades sold so well and just demanded every comic write for the trades, essentially just making graphic novels. However, these solutions that Drake and others have mentioned at least should be explored.

About ShadowWing Tronix

A would be comic writer looking to organize his living space as well as his thoughts. So I have a blog for each goal. :)

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