Catch more from A Wise Way on YouTube

There’s a great comment in the video by Mr. ZomBie 775:

Batman: Genius, billionaire and master combatant.

Wonder Woman: Amazonian, princess, and daughter of the gods

Green Lantern: Highly skilled pilot, unbelievable willpower and member of an intergalactic police force

Aquaman: Atlantian, power over all ocean life, and King of the seas.

Superman: Farm boy from Kansas, reporter, who does the right thing whenever he can.

And apparently Superman is the unrelatable one.

Truth has been spoken. I love Batman. Currently I’m doing a Chapter By Chapter review of a Batman novel and there are a ton of comic and other media reviews about liking Batman. Superman is still my favorite and I don’t like him being trashed. So when I see someone agree with me…I post it.

About ShadowWing Tronix

A would be comic writer looking to organize his living space as well as his thoughts. So I have a blog for each goal. :)

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