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Let’s not also forget that the story itself predates the first movie on the century level. Heck, the Brothers Grimm only collected the story in 1812 and it was around before them. Between this and the Dwarfs turned into all but one normal sized person of different races and genders because Peter Dinklage had a fit about a movie he saw about as often as Fredrick Wertham read the comic (as in never) it’s not even the same story. So just make a new story instead of another namesake-filled non-adaptation of something you clearly want nothing to do with. You wouldn’t have the cheap marketing but all you have now is bad marketing. People are already unhappy with Disney spitting in Walt’s face and trashing their own legacy while making de-makes of their animated classics. You’re just making it worse now.

About ShadowWing Tronix

A would be comic writer looking to organize his living space as well as his thoughts. So I have a blog for each goal. :)

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