“I only had three more payments on it.”

Star Power #7

(October, 2014)

“Star Power And The Search For Black Hole Bill” part 2

WRITER: Michael Terraciano

ARTIST: Garth Graham

[read along here]

Grex slowly awakes from her coma, but Danica is able to comfort her. Kaylo manages to recover and repair Danica’s old telescope and their discussion gives her the idea of trying to use the remains from the deceased Sentinels to restore her own powers. Meanwhile, Black Hole Bill destroys his own ship, despite the living AI on board, to cover his tracks but between a repentant technician telling Galactic Defense everything and discovering his weapons came from a weapons dealer group known as the Supernova Dragon Lords, the Chief contacts them for a bounty on Bill. Too bad Bill takes advantage of a rival faction within the group who refuses to work with Galactic Defense under any circumstances. Danica tries to use the Sentinel tech to reach Mitch, seeing the same patterns from the data he left behind but her attempt to restore her powers only results in a…rather concerning new look.

What they got right: It’s an all-ages book but still manages to cover grief, disappointment, and showing how close Danica and her friends are, plus the new fangirl. It’s dark only where it needs to be but also hopeful and touching.

What they got wrong: I hope this look is only temporary, a result of accessing a damaged network or something.

What I think overall: This is still a fun superhero comic, and with a different premise as she’s a superhero of space. I hope you’re all reading along with these reviews because you’re missing out if you’re not.

About ShadowWing Tronix

A would be comic writer looking to organize his living space as well as his thoughts. So I have a blog for each goal. :)

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