The crew rejoices after getting them to fix the terrible character model for the first movie.

Sonic The Hedgehog #51

Archie Comics (October, 1997)

“Reality Bites”

Okay, comic, where are your credits? Sometimes the next issue fixes the mistake of the previous if they get a credit wrong or COMPLETELY FORGET TO POST THEM! If that’s the case I’ll fix this as soon as Archie did. Well, sooner because my reviews are weekly and the comic was monthly.

Sonic’s friends pull him aside to give him a special award for his part in ending the threat of Robotnik, but a little mechanical bee was hiding in Sally’s hair. That night Sonic is woken up by Sally and Chuck for a special mission, only it’s a trap as Sally is now a robot under Robotnik’s control. The same thing happens to each of his friends, supposedly of their free will according to Robotnik, but Chuck’s face keeps appearing in a hologram to warn him what Sonic eventually figures out on his own…that none of this is real. The bee (nobody knows about that part) put a virus on the medal that would have stuck him in a sort of VR world forever if he didn’t break out of this…and it wasn’t a parting gift from Robotnik!

What they got right: You just came off a story in which the world is saved. It’s hard to top that, at least for a while, so they don’t bother. This is a way to establish a new tech-savvy threat for our heroes.

What they got wrong: Too bad the story itself isn’t interesting. It’s just Sonic going to each of their friends who suddenly turn evil partway into helping him. I’d also like to know how a normal virus puts Sonic into VR or how a computer virus affects an organic being. Either way the explanation doesn’t make sense.

What I think overall: They already have a brick wall when it comes to attempting to do a new story after such a huge arc so I’m not faulting them for coming up a bit short. That doesn’t mean it’s anything more than mediocre though.

About ShadowWing Tronix

A would be comic writer looking to organize his living space as well as his thoughts. So I have a blog for each goal. :)

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