This is a cheating way to win a water gun fight.

Star Power #9

(March, 2015)

“The Search For Black Hole Bill” part 4

WRITER: Michael Terracciano

ARTIST: Garth Graham

[Read along with me here]

A rescue ship tries to save the hostages but the Dragon Lords lead them into a trap, and it doesn’t help that the Void Angel commander is an ungrateful piece of garbage. Danica convinces the others to attempt to help, and takes a rather drastic step to supercharge using a solar flare. Grex has to choose between offering cover fire for the rescue and getting her shot at Black Hole Bill, but ultimately makes the right choice just as the Dragon Lords inflict serious damage on the spacefaring craft not designed for atmospheric battle. Just as things seem bad a supercharged Star Power shows up, using her shield to protect the ship and burn off some energy, rather than firing a super energy blast. That Void Angel decides to attack Star Power and our heroes’ ship crashes, but Grex and Shi Lalis manage to survive, with Kaylo trapped with the rescue team and not scumbag hostages. The pilot of the first rescue ship is holding the villains off, so our heroes are going to try to reach it. There’s at least some good news: Mitch did get help from another Star Power Sentinel. There is a survivor after all!

What they got right: This is what I love about superhero comics. The heroes may struggle with the choice but at the end choose to do what’s right and risk their lives to help others. The issue may be all action but the notion of heroism shines through and I love it, even when the Void Angel jerk shows the exact opposite to the point even his two teammates are shocked by his actions.

What they got wrong: I’ve got nothing.

What I think overall: The heroes are heroic and the villains are villainous. That’s what I want to see in my superhero stories.

About ShadowWing Tronix

A would be comic writer looking to organize his living space as well as his thoughts. So I have a blog for each goal. :)

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