“My mortal enemies? I thought they were your mortal enemies?”

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #15

Mirage Publishing (1998)

“Dome Doom!”


INKER: Jim Lawson

LETTERER: Steve Lavigne

Mikey, Raph, and Casey are at a nearby comic book store when the place is attacked by little robots. It turns out the store’s owner is retired superhero Stainless Steel Steve and the stockboy the synthetic being Metalhead, two members of the former hero team Justice Force. Realizing Doctor Dome is behind the robots Steel calls the other former members together and joined by Leo and Don they make their stand at their former mansion headquarters. Zippy Lad (it was a different time), Joey Lastic, and the others manage to defeat the smaller bots but Dome has a larger robot that is stopped by Battling Bernice…except it’s not her. While Dome was hot for her, Bernice left because she was in love with Steel, which also caused Doctor Dome to turn evil out of jealousy. While she’s ready to pound him, Steel insteads says that they’re all old now and they should be able to finally put their problems aside. Dome moves in with Steel and Metalhead because time heals all wounds. But does that include four shinobi amphibians?

What they got right: Conceptually this is a well done story. The idea of superheroes existing in the past isn’t a terrible idea given the sci-fi aspects of the comic thus far and it’s a good tribute to classic superheroes, like the ones who inspired Eastman and Laird to create comics.

What they got wrong: I think the adaptation executed it better however. The episode “Return Of The Justice Force” from the 4Kids series had more time to really show off the characters, though some of the heroes are handled better here. I like the idea that Dome reforms rather than Battling Ananda being the baddie like in the episode. Plus we have another hero whose fate could make for an interesting story to restore him. Otherwise the episode had more time to really make the introduction of the idea less jarring, partly thanks to the earlier appearance of Silver Sentry. Also, how do the Turtles’ disguise work in the store? Their faces are barely covered by the scarves, and even the kids at the skating park a few issues back could tell Mikey wasn’t a normal color.

What I think overall: The episode is better overall but the story presented isn’t terrible and opens possibilities for the Turtles’ world.

About ShadowWing Tronix

A would be comic writer looking to organize his living space as well as his thoughts. So I have a blog for each goal. :)

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