NOTE: A lot of swearing in this one between the four participants, but what horror directors and comic writers Jen & Sylvia Soska bring up about their time at Marvel and the current state of both Marvel Comics and Marvel Studios is worth a listen.

Rip And The Silverback alternates between Youngrippa 59 and HeelvsBabyface‘s YouTube channels.

They want to make their own characters to tell their own stories, but they either don’t want to make the effort and time for that character to become as popular as the ones who have been around since the 1960s and sooner, or they can’t get the studios to sign off on them. So they take something already popular whose stewards couldn’t care less about and turn classic characters into their characters. Now their interpretation will be the character and lore going forward (control the origin, control the character) and they don’t care that the stuff that made it popular in the first place is no longer there.

Then they’re surprised that the people who DO care and wanted those characters’ stories to continue don’t fall down in worship of their “superior” takes.

About ShadowWing Tronix

A would be comic writer looking to organize his living space as well as his thoughts. So I have a blog for each goal. :)

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