Note this video is from 2021. It also may be technically off-topic for this site, but it will be important later.

Learn more Japanese with That Japanese Man Yuta on YouTube

You want to know what IS an example of a black person and Japanese cultural appropriation? Some of you can already guess tonight’s article, and I posted this story to tell you that one.


About ShadowWing Tronix

A would be comic writer looking to organize his living space as well as his thoughts. So I have a blog for each goal. :)

2 responses »

  1. […] media failings. It is funny watching the people who complain about cultural appropriation (like in the recent Daily Video where a black girl in a kimono using the word “kawaii” bothered everyone except the […]


  2. […] scream “cultural appropriation” when some non-Japanese woman puts on a kimono and uses random Japanese words, but they’ll happily tell Japan what their culture and history should […]


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