Last week there was a comic but no Clutter Report. This week there’s a Clutter Report but no comic…and even then the Clutter Report is just talking about why there was no report that week and a brief assessment of where I am halfway through the year. I even had to give up a Friday post and Saturday Night Showcase just to keep from going crazy. Now I’m considering whether or not to take my usual birthday week off in July because of all the lost content, but it would be nice to have a week where I don’t have to go crazy.

This has not been the year where I pull myself together, outside of one week of a job that put some money in my pocket, but not a lot in this economy. Minor medical issues, major ones for others–creativity and decluttering have not been the priority I wanted it to be this year and that bothers me. I did manage to caption a few videos but I was hoping to be done with that by now and move forward on various comic and video projects. I was hopeful that the last obstacle to getting BW Gameplay, the story-based game review project, would get past the last hurdle and I found a way to get Batman: Vengeance, the first game in the block of five voted on so many years ago, to finally run on Windows 10. We didn’t but my friend is not giving up on the idea. We’ll see how that goes.

If there are no distractions this week I’d at least like to get back to normal, and set up a decent working schedule. That mean more of the Chapter By Chapter review of Star Trek: The Vulcan Academy Murders, and there’s only a handful of chapters left of that before we start a new book. The next few Sonic reviews will be Sonic Super Specials before returning to the main stories of Sonic The Hedgehog and Knuckles The Echidna. Otherwise my goal is to get stuff out on time without resulting to longer filler videos in place of the day’s feature article. Will I succeed? Place your bets and join us all week. Have a great week, everyone!

About ShadowWing Tronix

A would be comic writer looking to organize his living space as well as his thoughts. So I have a blog for each goal. :)

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