See, this comic knows where to put the titles and trade dress.

Okay, let’s just go over this here. The cover is the same art from Hardcase #5, where this story continues from. I get what they were thinking with the two covers forming one scene. That was a constant 90s gimmick. However, you’re supposed to put the two comics together, not have the same wraparound cover art on both comics. Unless the uploader created something that didn’t exist by creating these covers him/herself, this is just lazy and somehow more expensive, and my complaint about Hardcase‘s cover still stands.

The Strangers #4

Malibu Comics/Ultraverse (September, 1993)

“Between A Rock And A Hardcase”

WRITER: Steve Englehart (co-plotted with James D. Hudnall)

PENCILER: Rick Hoberg

INKER: Tim Burgard

COLORIST: Rick Schmitz and Foodhammer! (say what now?)

LETTERER: Dave Lanphear

EDITOR: Chris Ulm

The Strangers, Hardcase, and Choice, wake up inside Aladdin’s headquarters, where they try to force the heroes to join their cause. They even recruited the cable car gripman from the incident that gave the Strangers their powers, now going by Grip due to his powers to hold people in an energy field. Our heroes may not be able to use their powers outside the containment field they’re in, but Grenade figures out they can use them on each other, and both he and Electrocute (I just got the pun–cute girl with electric powers) reflect their powers off of Hardcase’s body and out the field. After learning Aladdin was creating their field from the DNA of one of the Squad and had the others’ DNA as well, our heroes bust through the base and destroys it, threatening to do the same to their computer info unless they’re let out, declaring a draw. They relent, though a conversation between Wareagle, Dust Devil, and Foxfire may indicate that this group of secret government Ultra agents may not be what they seem. Our heroes part ways, but who knows what the future holds?

What they got right: Time is taken as they head for the DNA storage area to get some character development between the Strangers. They’re really starting to work well as a team and get a handle on their powers, as Spectral attempts healing Lady Killer’s arm with his green flame to see if it can grow more than plants (and it can). There’s some good action and Aladdin is sure to be a threat to the Ultra heroes in the future.

What they got wrong: How does Yral know what the Aladdin organization is all about? Unless the crystal gave her the info for some reason she’s been on a floating cloud for years. It’s mostly for exposition and to show she’s the less team-oriented member of the team. I already mentioned the problems with the cover for these two issues.

What else is there?: The moon is mentioned by guards in passing as Zip Zap searches the base, making me wonder why the Prime story is so far down in this reading list I’m using. He’s still on the moon looking for the cause of the beams that keep creating Ultras and will be for at least 33 more comics and a direct-to-video movie I’ll drop into Saturday Night Showcase when we get to that point. The next Prime issue is in a flipbook with Ultraverse Premiere #3 in 13 issues, after at least three more series debut, and I may read it then because they came out in the same physical book and my curiosity is still going. Prime was one of the comics I really wanted to check out.

What I think overall: Maybe a bit early for this team-up when the whole Ultraverse is still finding its footing, but otherwise a pretty good team-up for both sides. Nice to see the heroes fight the villains instead of each other, and I wouldn’t mind seeing the Strangers team with Hardcase and Choice again in the future. (We know Bob would like to see Choice again. *wink wink*)

About ShadowWing Tronix

A would be comic writer looking to organize his living space as well as his thoughts. So I have a blog for each goal. :)

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