“The annoying thing is I lost my watch.”

Chrono-Cat #1


I can’t find a release date, but given one joke in this comic we can guess it was some time after 2015.

WRITER: Stu Perrins

ARTIST: Armando Zanker

As we begin, our hero is trying to stop Doctor Zombie from destroying the fish mankind grew out of. Then a T-Rex shows up and Chrono-Cat punches its lights out, dropping it on Doctor Zombie and saving the fish. As soon as he returns to present day, he has to deal with a different fish, the mutated Luther, former assistant of the man who created the time machine. When Charlie the cat was messing with Luther’s fish, he knocked the fishbowl into the machine, the resulting explosion killing the creator, merging Luther with his fish, and turning Charlie into Chrono-Cat. Charlie decides to use his new situation to protect the world, and foiled all of Charlie’s plans, and this time is no different. Then Chrono-Cat is abducted by aliens.

What they got right: Since my reading list includes The Tick, Atomic Robo, and Doctor McNinja, you can gather this is my type of crazy. We get a mostly good introduction to our cast. The art is really good.

What they got wrong: I said “mostly good” because the origin is given to us by Luther exposition dump ranting to Chrono-Cat everything he should already know. They also forced a swipe at Donald Trump in their all-ages comic. Pretty sure the kids don’t care and any adults reading this was probably hoping to get away from the current sociopolitical discourse. So much for that. Also, did Chrono-Cat bring Doctor Zombie back to the present? I would assume yes, but I don’t know what he blasted to surprise Luther and stop him later.

What I think overall: The first half of this comic was fun and enjoyable. The second was an exposition dump and an unnecessary political joke, and thus not as good.


About ShadowWing Tronix

A would be comic writer looking to organize his living space as well as his thoughts. So I have a blog for each goal. :)

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