Story is more than dialog. In prose and audio you have to describe more than in video or still images, but setting up a scene can be done with camera angles, poses, expressions, and other tricks unique to each media style (audio dramas can’t really use any of those). A good movie director can show you a character without a ton of exposition, which is why the phrase “show, don’t tell” exists. I may be pro-narration in comics, but there’s a time and place for narration, especially by the characters.

Author Caroline Furlong builds off of a video by YouTuber Greg Owen as he goes over the difference in how the MCU version of the Hulk and Black Widow were introduced versus Riri Williams and the ladies of Wakanda in a later movie. In the article she delves further into why the relationship between Bruce and Natasha worked despite not coming from the comics, but watch the video, too. (Also she links to one of my Daily Video posts, which was nice of her. In other news, I may have to learn how to use WordPress’ block editor.)

About ShadowWing Tronix

A would be comic writer looking to organize his living space as well as his thoughts. So I have a blog for each goal. :)

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